Instruction manual
No. 2117-5e
Automatic marking according to programme
Set the "Semi-Man-Auto" switch to "Auto". Set switch marked
After operating the "Start" switch, the selected programme begins with the gap.
Therefore, position the machine with the gun above the beginning of the gap you
wish to begin with (end of last line), operate switch "Start" and drive off.
Set switch "Start-Stop" to "Stop", whenever marking operations are finished.
2.6 Continuous lines
If an interrupted line is to be altered to a continous line, set switch marked
If the switch is operated during a programmed line, this line is extended as a
continuous line. If the switch is operated inside a gap, the continuous line does
not begin until the gap is completed by the programme.
After returning to
, continuous line marking ends and the
programme changes, to interrupted lines, beginning with the gap.
Automatic re-marking
Set unit as under 2.5
If continuously increasing fluctuations between new and old marking are noticed,
by temporarily shortening respectively lengthening the gap, both markings can be
re-synchronized. In this case, estimate the amount of fluctuation and add
respectively subtract this amout at the selector switch
(cycle). This procedure can be carried
out while the machine is travelling. After marking the next line, alter the selector
switch back to its previous setting.