Hofmann Megaplan Service Manual megaline SSENCE
SSENCE 400/600
Page 22 of 52
3.7 CAMBER corrections
In some cases it is necessary to make a CAMBER correction after the calibration.
This fine adjustment will be done in the factory. Only camber need to be adjusted.
For any case save the calibration data of the machine to a new folder
Target data
Camera data
Stored on the harddisk on drive D: are also the factory settings of the calibration data. They
are stored in the folder with the serial numbers name.
Before you make corrections in the CONFIG.INI file please first copy these data
in the folder D:/SSENCE. Do a test alignment before.
3.8 Correction of CAMBER values in the configuration file
If at a wheel alignment the camber values are displayed consistently wrong, there is the
possibility to set an advance correction in the file d:\ssence\config.ini.
In this file you will find these entries.
Front Left camber
Fron Right camber
Back Left camber
Back Right camber
Values are specified in 1/100 decimal units . The value of 20 corrects the pre setting of the tyre
to 20/100 units positive. It is also possible to add negative values.
After change and save restart the alignment software.