P a g e
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Home Screen
The following features are displayed
on the Home Screen, Figure 6:
Filter selection: As shown in the figure to the right, the selected filter is
F3 (300
– 1300 Hz) and the relative bandwidth is shown by the yellow
bar under the spectrum display.
S Meter: In the figure to the right, the S Meter reading
is S6 and the signal strength is shown by the green
bar under the spectrum and filter.
AGC: Just below the S6 in the figure to the right, the AGC selection is CW.
AGC operation will be described in a later section of this manual.
Call and Name: For CW and PSK operation, the but-
tons shown at the right are displayed on the
. With a PS2 keyboard attached to the IQ32 you may enter the call sign and the
name of your contact. They will be transmitted as configured for the keyboard Fn keys.
This is discussed in a later section of this manual.
Split: This button appears in CW mode. It ena-
bles split transmit and receive frequency opera-
tion. More details are available in the section on CW operation.
The remainder of the buttons and widgets are covered in detail in later sections.
Figure 6: CW Home Screen