2. Center the servos by temporarily turning on your radio
system. Cut off unused arms leaving only one arm on each
horn. Cut off the two outer-most holes from each remaining
servo arm. Enlarge the holes in the horns that are 7/16" [11
mm] from the center to accommodate the diameter of the
pushrod wires. Attach servo horns opposite each other to
the rudder and elevator servos.
3. Slide the pushrods into the fuselage through the
pushrod exit slots and temporarily connect the rudder
clevis to the middle hole in the rudder control horn and
the elevator clevis to the fourth outer hole in the
elevator control horn.
4. Adjust the rudder and elevator so they are in the
neutral position. Mark the location on each pushrod
where they cross the enlarged holes in the servo horns.
5. Remove the pushrods from the fuselage and make
a 90 degree bend at each mark. Cut off the excess wire
leaving only ¼" [6mm] remaining after the bend.
6. Reinstall the pushrods into the fuselage and
connect them to the servo horns using the included
Faslinks. Hook up the clevises to the control horns and
secure them with the silicone clevis retainers.