R-KWC570K Type
Hitachi Tokyo Japan
Please contact the following Hitachi Service Centre if power cord is damaged or service is required.
If some malfunction occurs during operation, unplug the power plug immediately and contact the service
centre to have the refrigerator repaired.
• Hong Kong
Hitachi (Hong Kong) Ltd.
18/F., Ever Gain Centre, 28 On Muk Street, Shatin,
N.T., Hong Kong, China
Tel : +852-2753-5386
Fax : +852-2753-0993
• Singapore
Hitachi Home Electronics Asia (S) Pte. Ltd.
438A Alexandra Road, #01-01/02/03,
Alexandra Technopark, Singapore 119967
Tel : +65-6536-2520
Fax : +65-6536-2521