1.3 Appearance
Oil Filling Port
Oil Level Gauge
Sling Fitting
Instrument Panel
Plate of Operating /
Servicing Instructions
Compressed Air Discharge
Power Supply Port
Air Intake
(Air for Package)
E n c l o s u r e p a n e l s
lower the sound level
of the air compressor
Use the port to fill the
gear case with oil.
T h i s i n d i c a t e s t h e
quantity of the oil in
the gear case. Check
the oil level before
starting the DSP and
when operating it.
R e a d c a re f u l l y t h e
plate before operating
and servicing the DSP.
This panel discharges
the hot air generated in
the air compressor.
Check the
specifications, supply
voltage and frequency
before connecting the
(Vtype only)
Air Exhaust
(Air Compressor Package)
Air Intake
(Inlet to the Air End)
Left Door
Open the left door only
when servicing the
DSP air compressor.
Keep it closed when
operating the DSP air
Air Intake
Air Exhaust
Air Intake
Air Intake
Air Exhaust
Use the sling fitting
w h e n m o v i n g a n d
installing the DSP air
Air Intake
(Air Compressor Package)
[Front View]
[Rear View]