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HI 801 023 E Rev. 5.00
Configuring the Module in SILworX
The module is configured in the Hardware Editor of the SILworX programming tool.
Observe the following points when configuring the module:
To diagnose the module and channels, both the statuses and the measured value can be
evaluated within the user program. For more information on the statuses and parameters,
refer to the tables starting with Chapter 4.3.1.
If a redundancy group is created, its configuration is defined in the tabs. The tabs specific to
the redundancy group differ from those of the individual modules, see the following tables.
To evaluate the statuses from within the user program, assign global variables to the module
statuses. Perform this step in the Hardware Editor using the module's detail view.
The following tables present the statuses and parameters for the module in the same order
given in the SILworX Hardware Editor.
To convert hexadecimal values to bit strings a scientific calculator such as the Windows
calculator with the corresponding view can be used.