Software architecture
Hardware configuration file for maintenance firmware (*.mwc)
Brief description
Additional hardware configuration file providing necessary information like
boot mode and flash parameters required by the maintenance firmware.
This file basically contains the same configuration data as the “regular”
hardware configuration file, but it is still needed as an “extra file”,
because the ROM Loader cannot use the “regular”
configuration file when it executes the maintenance firmware.
Size: 8 KByte
The OEM can create and edit the hardware configuration for maintenance
firmware in
netX Studio CDT
according to use case. For more information
on this, please refer to the document
Getting started: netX Studio CDT –
netX 90 development
(DOC170504GSxxEN), section
How to ...
the netX 90 hardware
The HW config binary for maintenance firmware can be flashed to the netX
90 by the
Flasher tool
of netX Studio CDT. The GUI-integrated Flasher
tool of netX Studio CDT will automatically write the file to the right location
within the flash memory of the device. For more information about the
Flasher tool, please refer to the
How to ... Use the Flasher tool
section in
the above-mentioned
Getting started
The netX Studio‘s GUI-integrated Flasher tool checks the file name
extension in order to decide where to flash the file to. Therefore, do
not change the file name extension, unless you want to define the
location/offset manually.
If you do not want to use the GUI-integrated Flasher tool of netX Studio
CDT, but other tools instead – like e.g. the command line flasher (see
How to use the Command line flasher
following parameters:
Flash chip/device:
(8 KByte)
netX 90 | Production guide
DOC190101PG03EN | Revision 3 | English | 2019-07 | Released | Public
© Hilscher 2019