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4. In the “Configurations” menu choose the “Modem Type” from the drop down menu. This is the modem
connected to the PC and used to call the panel
5. Press “Load Default String” to program the right initialization string for the selected modem
6. Click on “Roving Dial customer”
7. Set “Dial Mode” field to “MODEM”
8. Insert the telephone number in “Telephone Number” field
9. Enter the Engineer code in the “Engineer Code” field
10. Click on “Dial”
11. If connection is successful, the modem Icon will become blue.
If a Site Name is set up on the panel the UDL Site Name must be the same otherwise the connection
will not be possible.
The PSTN modem card fits inside the EURO 280 control panel and is used for the following operations:
Send Alarms to the ARC: It is possible to send alarm events to the monitoring station via Fast Format.
Programming the panel remotely via the telephone line:
It is possible to program the EURO control panel
remotely via the telephone line. In order to be able to use this feature it is necessary that the telephone line
used is analogue conventional telephone line.
Receive Automatic Remote Service calls and alarms:
It is possible to receive the remote maintenance service
and alarm calls received by the UDL software installed on a PC and modem.
The PSTN Module is suitable for use in systems designed for use with ATS levels 1 or 2 (as defined in EN50131-
1:2006+A1:2009) and environmental class 1 or 2. With the PSTN functioning normally, the ATS will comply
with the required performance levels subject to the ARC being suitably equipped.
The Telecom Ground terminal (TE) should ALWAYS be connected to earth in order to maximise the
effectiveness of the transient voltage protection of the unit. Failure to do so will leave the device vulnerable
to damage during electrical storms, etc.
EURO panels include the facility to send electronic signals to an Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC), and also to
send SMS text messages to mobile phones.
Alarm, etc. signals may be transmitted via a PSTN link, using a variety of formats, to suitable receiving
equipment located at the premises of an independently operated Alarm Receiving Centre.
The SMS facility uses a PSTN connection to a special SMS Centre, where the information is transferred to the
GSM network for delivery to the client's designated mobile telephone(s).
The SMSC services are provided by GSM network operators or other reputable companies, whose operation is
outside of the control or influence of Pyronix.
Whilst we will use our best endeavours to resolve any issues relating to these uses of equipment
manufactured by us, Pyronix are in no way responsible for the operation of the PSTN, the Alarm Receiving
Centre or the SMSC - or for the end-to-end security and delivery of information and messages involved.
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A c c e s s L e v e l s
Level 1:
Access by any person; for example, the general public.
Level 2:
User access by an operator; for example, customers (systems users).
Level 3:
User access by an engineer; for example, an alarm company professional.
Level 4:
User access by the manufacturer of the equipment.
Alarm, tamper and fault indications will automatically be cleared within 3 minutes. If a user has finished viewing
the information they can terminate the display instantly by pressing the