Seite 22 von 28
Stand: 13. September 2017
Bedienungs- und Wartungsanleitung Hydrospeicher HBS
Instruction and Maintenance Manual Hydro Accumulator HBS
7. Marking of the hydraulic accumulator
Data labels and markings may not be altered without the prior written permission of
The information and data on the nameplate must be considered.
The following information is displayed on the accumulator:
- Indication of the accumulator-type
- Item number of the hydraulic accumulator
- Permissible operating data
- Temperature range TS in ° C
- Maximum allowable pressure PS in bar
- Allowed Fluid group
- Manufacturing date mm / yy
- Nominal volume of the hydraulic accumulator in liters
- Test pressure PT in bar
- Date of test YY / MM
and for volumes > 1 liter:
- CE logo and identification number of the notified body
and on some nameplates:
- Warnings and safety instructions ( „Danger“, „only nitrogen use“, etc. or any similar
- Maximum permissible pre-charging pressure
- Total weight in kg
Damaged or lost data plates must be replaced! The operation of a hydraulic accumulator
without nameplate is not allowed!
8. Operating
The operating of hydraulic accumulators and equipment must be carried out by qualified per
sonnel. Hydraulic accumulators are subject of monitoring processes (Please contact your
notified body).
According to § 14 (1), §15_ BetrSichV must (1) may only be used a system requiring
monitoring for the first time and after a significant change in operation when the system taking
into account the planned operation by an authorized body for their proper condition with regard
to assembly , the installation, the installation conditions and the safe function has been tested.
Pressure equipment which are classified in items 4.3 and Category I, can possibly be taken by
a qualified person of the operator in operation.