Process phase
Jars (optional)
This function is only available on machines with the ACS.
This is a fast program specially designed for vacuum sealing
jars. The seal and soft-air phase are shut off during this pro-
During the cycle, the air is removed from the chamber until
the pre-set value has been reached. During the fast decom-
pression the lids are being closed.
This program can also be combined with liquid control. In
this case, set the values in the liquid control program.
The sealing bars are pressed against the vacuum bag and
melt the bag closed.
During the sealing process, the material of the vacuum bag
is heated and pressed together to create a hermetic seal.
The programming of this function takes place in seconds.
Optionally, a cut-off wire is available. The purpose of the cut-
off wire is to remove the excess foil. Depending on the selec-
ted model, the cut-off wire is controlled simultaneously with
or independent from the sealing wire (Seal 1-2 cut-off).
The vacuum is removed from the vacuum chamber by letting
air into the chamber.
This function allows air from outside to slowly enter the
chamber so the vacuum bag will shape itself slowly around
the product. This prevents sharp edges of the product from
puncturing the foil and causing leaks.
Opening the vacu-
um chamber
The lid opens.
Removing the
The operator can remove the packaged product from the
work surface.
4.2.2 General Functions
Cleaning of the
oil pump
The pump cleaning program ensures that the pump is thor-
oughly rinsed. During the program, the pump and oil reach the
operating temperature, so the oil and moisture are separated
and any contamination is filtered. The high temperature causes
any moisture in the pump to evaporate, thus minimising the risk
of corrosion.
Description of the Machine 19