Fit the container in its seat, pressing at the side with
your fi ngers until it is fi rmly in place. Then fi x it to the
ring nut of milling regulation with the appropriate
screw supplied with the apparatus, match the hole
on the beans container with the one on the ring nut.
If your coffee grinder ha san automatic switch, check
that the lever is in the position indicated. The coffee
grinder is now ready for work (fi gure 3).
Pour the coffee beans into the top container. Open
the shutter. Insert the plug in the socket or turn on
the main switch upstream from the machine, then
turn the machine switch to position “I”. For security
issues, the customer not have to remove any type of
screw on the coffee grinder. This operation is only
concurred by qualifi ed technicians and after de-
tached the apparatus from the feeding net.
Check the grain size of the ground coffee; each grind-
er is set for medium-fi ne grain. If you’re not satisfi ed
with this result you must proceed as follows:
Coffee grinder doser 208878:
1. Press the ring nut pawl downwards (fi gure 4).
2. Turn the ring nut to the LEFT for fi ner grain or to
the RIGHT for coarser grain (fi gure 5).
To avoid the removal of the metal ring with the con-
sequent possibility to have free access to the milling
group, place the screw in one of the two holes allow-
ing the widest regulation.
Adjusting the quantity delivered:
(fi gure 5)
To adjust the quantity, turn the adjusting nut. Turn
to the LEFT to increase the quantity, to the RIGHT
to decrease it.
The dosing device can deliver from 4 gr to 9 gr (fi gure 6).
To set the amount you want, take 10 doses (ten pulls
of the lever) from the doser and weight the coffee
that comes out, in this way you can calculate the
weight of each dose.
fi gure 3
fi gure 4
fi gure 5
fi gure 6