From 34°C to 35,9°C = ±0,3 °C
From 93,2°F to 96,6 °F = ±0,6 °F
According to ASTM
Standard E1965-1998
From 36°C to 39°C = ±0,2 °C
From 96,8°F to 102,2 °F = ±0,4 °F
From 39°C to 42,5°C = ±0,3 °C
From 102,2°F to 108,5 °F = ±0,6 °F
The thermometer takes temperature readings below 32 °C
or above 42,9 °C (89,6 °F to 109,2 °F) but precision is not
guaranteed outside of this range.
If you have problems while using your thermometer, please refer
to this guide to help resolve the problem. If the problem persists,
please contact our authorised service department.
The screen displays temperature higher than 42,9 °C
The temperature is in Fahrenheit. Change the measurement
to Celsius by pressing °C/°F button.
The screen displays temperature lower than 32°C (89,6°F):
To take the surface temperature, press the “BODY” button and
set to the reading called “Body” , If the device is in Surface Temp
Mode, the 32°C (89.6°F) temperature displayed is showing the
external temperature of your body, rather than the internal.