KM400 Waterproof Thermometer
The KM400 Waterproof Thermometer is a cost effective, digital, pen style thermometer for the busy commercial
kitchen featuring a thin tip for fast response times.
The pen-style KM400 Waterproof Thermometer is yellow, a recognizable color, in food service kitchens.
The KM400 Waterproof Thermometer has a 1.5mm thin tip for a fast response together with a hold feature on the
thermometer which enables the user to temporarily fix the reading on the screen while they note a measurement.
Auto Power Off
Data Hold
BioCote Antimicrobial Protection
NSF Listed
Color-coded for food safety
Thin tip probe for fast response
Easy-to-read LCD readout
Has on/off button
2.75″ (75mm) stainless steel stem
Storage sheath with clip
1.5volt battery included