The sauna heater
Temperature sensor
Cup for sauna fragrances
Sauna heater
The sauna heater, with its design and technology, is a
heater that offers unique qualities. The sauna heater can
be used in two different modes; normal sauna and sauna
with varying humidity. The settings are made from the
digital control panel. A water tank is placed in the front,
what means that you get more steam into the sauna room.
The steam increases your wellbeing and it has positive
effects on your skin and health. The tank is filled manually.
At the top of the tank there is a cup where you can put
sauna fragrances.
Temperature sensor OLET 19
Inside the sauna room the temperature sensor is installed.
The sensor is mounted by an installer directly over the
heater, 40 mm from the ceiling. The sensor has two tasks:
Register the temperature inside the sauna room and
send signals to the heater for more or less output.
Protection against overheating.
In the event of overheating, the heater is turned off (see
Alarm on page 13). Deviations from the given distances
can cause a fire hazard. The function of the sensor is to
turn off the entire output of the heater if the temperature
of the heater gets too high. When the temperature has
sunk, the sensor can be reset by pushing the reset button
with a screwdriver. Before you reset the sensor the
cause of the fault must be corrected.
Digital control panel
With a control panel, the user sets temperature, start time,
steam and duration. The control panel is mounted on the wall
outside the sauna. The programming of the time and language
is easily done by you or the installer.
Due to safety reasons the steam function only works at
temperatures up to 65
C. The control panel will not accept
humidity settings at higher temperatures. At 65
C the
heater will give 60 % humidity. At 45
C the heater will give
100 % humidity.
Digital control panel