See fig.8-5.With the forks upraised,high pressure oil led from the control
See fig.8-5.With the forks upraised,high pressure oil led from the control
valve flows
valve flows
into the chamber (A) and shifts the sleev
into the chamber (A) and shifts the sleev
e (2) to the left.This opens the opening (G) to allow
e (2) to the left.This opens the opening (G) to allow
the high pressure oil to flow along the two routes(A—B—G—D—E and A—B—C—D) and
the high pressure oil to flow along the two routes(A—B—G—D—E and A—B—C—D) and
both flows of oil lead to the lift cylinders.In this case,the flows of oil is not regulated.When
both flows of oil lead to the lift cylinders.In this case,the flows of oil is not regulated.When
the forks begin to lower,oil discharged from the lift cylinders enters the chamber (E) and
the forks begin to lower,oil discharged from the lift cylinders enters the chamber (E) and
shifts the sleeve until it contacts the nipple.This closes the opening (G) so that oil flows
shifts the sleeve until it contacts the nipple.This closes the opening (G) so that oil flows
through (E),(D),(H),(C),(B) and (A) to the tank.If the amount of oil discharged from the lift
through (E),(D),(H),(C),(B) and (A) to the tank.If the amount of oil discharged from the lift
cylinders is rapidly increased,the pressure in the chamber (F) rises
cylinders is rapidly increased,the pressure in the chamber (F) rises
and moves the piston
and moves the piston
(5) to the right in spite of the spring force,narrowing the opening (H).So the flow of oil from
(5) to the right in spite of the spring force,narrowing the opening (H).So the flow of oil from
the chamber (D) to the chamber (C)
the chamber (D) to the chamber (C)
is decreased so that the descending speed of the forks
is decreased so that the descending speed of the forks
is controlled.
is controlled.
Fig.8.4 Regulator mounting position
Fig.8.4 Regulator mounting position
Lift cylinder(R)
Lift cylinder(R)
Lift cylinder(L)
Lift cylinder(L)
From control valve
From control valve
To oil tank
To oil tank