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TNC 426/TNC 425/TNC 415 B/TNC 407
Programming Tool Movements
General Information on Programming Tool Movements
Subprograms and program section repeats
If a machining sequence occurs several times in a program, you can save
time and reduce the chance of programming errors by entering the
sequence once and then defining it as a subprogram or program section
Programming variants:
• Repeating a machining routine immediately after it is executed
(program section repeat)
• Inserting a machining routine at certain locations in a program
• Calling a separate program for execution or test run within the main
program (program call)
Common machining routines are delivered with the control as standard
cycles for:
• Peck drilling
• Tapping
• Slot milling
• Pocket and island milling
Coordinate transformation cycles can be used to change the coordinates
of a machining sequence in a defined way. Examples:
• Datum shift
• Mirroring
• Basic rotation
• Enlarging and reducing
Parametric programming
Instead of programming numerical values, you enter markers called
parameters which are defined through mathematical functions or logical
comparisons. You can use parametric programming for:
• Conditional and unconditional jumps
• Measurements with the 3D touch probe during program run
• Output of values and messages
• Transferring values to and from memory
The following mathematical functions are available:
• Assign
• Addition/Subtraction
• Multiplication/Division
• Angle measurement/Trigonometry
among others.