The Heatstar Aquarius is a unit which is intended to be used, in association with other equipment and services,
to facilitate heating of the water within a swimming pool.
The Aquarius units incorporate the following major components :
An air fan to draw fresh air through the unit.
A refrigeration system to collect heat from the fresh air.
A heat exchange coil to transfer energy collected from the fresh air directly into the pool water.
An integral direct electric resistance heating coil (
‘Plus’ versions only).
The Heatstar unit is a comparatively simple machine based around proven and reliable refrigeration technology.
The Heatstar unit incorporates an air fan and a large refrigeration circuit driven by a highly efficient electric
compressor motor. Such a system is often referred to as a heat pump or reverse refrigerator.
When the internal thermostat within the Heatstar unit senses that the pool water requires heating, the fan and the
refrigeration system switches on automatically and the air heat transfer coil becomes cold.
Fresh air is drawn through the Heatstar unit by the electric fan and chilled by the refrigeration system. The heat
chilled from the fresh air, together with all the electrical energy consumed in operating the refrigeration circuit, is
then transferred via a heat exchanger directly into the pool water as it is passed through the Heatstar unit.
As you only pay for the cost of running the electric fan and compressor motors, all the additional heat absorbed
from the fresh air is effectively completely free.
Within a typical installation, for every kW of electrical heat which is paid for, the unit can typically absorb up to a
further four kW of free heat from the air, therefore easily outperforming any other alternative method of heating.
‘Plus’ versions also contain a direct electric resistance pool water heater to provide boost heat, primarily at the
start of the swimming season.