7065-144D • 20 August, 2018
Heatilator EcoChoice WINS18
Thermal Resistance:
R value
The R value is a measure of a material’s resistance to heat
R value is convenient when more than one material is used
since you can add the R values together, whereas you can
not do this for k value.
The HIGHER the R factor means less heat is being
conducted through the non-combustible material to the
combustible material beneath it.
The R value of a material must be equal or larger then the
required R value to be acceptable.
D. Alternate Floor Protection Calculation
C. Floor Protector
Heatilator WINS18 does require a insulating Floor Protector
minimum 900mm deep, 800mm wide and 75mm thick (clay
bricks), as they are tested and comply with the minimum
Floor Protector requirements of AS/NZS 2918:2001.
The minimum Floor Protector sizes are specified in
the clearance chart
(Figures 30.1 & 30.2 on page
A Floor Protector can include ceramic tiles with
grouted joints fixed directly onto a wooden floor or a
sheet of toughened glass, panel steel or any other
non combustible material laid directly onto a wooden
If installed directly onto a concrete slab, the concrete
slab can be considered as the floor protector,but
must maintain the minimum measurement listed.