World Leaders in Ultra-Pure Heating
Revision 10
405 E. Santa Clara St.
Arcadia, CA 91006-7218
Tel: (626) 599-8566 Fax: (626) 599-9567
The overall pressure drop across the system remains nearly constant, regardless of the position
of the mixing valves, due to the fact that as one of the mixing valves is opening, the other is
closing, so the combined cross-sectional area of the two valves is essentially constant.
2.4 Ancillary Systems
The PC series D.I. water heating systems are offered with two optional systems: the Auto-
Isolation System and the Auto-Shutdown System.
The Auto-Shutdown System is used to close the steam supply valve to the unit based on
various conditions, which could harm the unit or downstream piping and equipment.
The Auto-Isolation System is used to close two isolation valves, one upstream and one
downstream of the unit, based on various conditions which could lead to a potential
contamination of the process water.
These two ancillary systems are discussed in detail in Section 4.0