H B X Z O N - 0 5 0 0 Z o n e C o n t r o l
V e r s i o n 2 . 2 0
Zone-0500 Manual Page 2
The ZON-0500 is an intelligent, microprocessor based, expansion module zone control for the 1000 series controls,
or stand alone zone control. The ZON-0500 is capable of controlling up to 4 zones per control, and can handle
multiple priority selections. The controller can be daisy-chained to provide unlimited coverage and flexibility
for virtually any number of zones. The ZON-0500 allows for pump or valve control, and is capable of enabling
2 demands on a boiler. The layout of the control makes for easy wiring and simple setup, allowing for quick
installation and minimal on-site time.
Up to 4 independant zones per control
Attaches to CPU-1000 or ECO-1000 controls, or stand alone unit
Expandable to 36 zones
Provides pump or valve control
Boiler enable/ TT contacts
2 demand outputs (Heat/Cool) or (TT/DHW)
Multiple priority selections (see page 7)
Heating zones will not open or turn on when the CPU-1000 is in Warm Weather Shut Down (WWSD)
Fully protected by resettable fuses
Zone protection technology - ECO-1000:
-When there is a switch between a cooling and heating call, this feature protects the zone from getting
the wrong temperature from the tank when the zone starts. The tank temperature must be within 15°F of
the setpoint for the zone to open.
-If there is a call for heat, then the heat call goes away and the tank is still hot, the zone control will keep
the zone open to utilize all of the heat in the tank. Likewise in a cooling situation.
-Cooling zones will not open or turn on when the ECO-1000 is in Cold Weather Shut Down (CWSD)
-Heating zones will not open or turn on when the ECO-1000 is in Warm Weather Shut Down (WWSD)
Expansion Module Zone Control
Stand alone Zone Control