If Solar is selected:
Name Heater
Select the box, then type the desired name for your heater.
This name will be used when referring to this particular heater.
Does the Solar Heater Have a Pump?
Select whether the solar heating
system has a dedicated recirculation pump. If so, the AQR S3 Omni will
turn this pump on when the pool temperature is below the heater setting
and there is solar heat available.
If Yes is selected:
Which Relay is it Wired to?
Selecting the box will bring you to a
table showing all detected relays. Select the high voltage relay that
is wired to the heater (refer to the Connection Table in for this infor-
mation), then advance. The relay should now be shown in the box.
Advance to the next screen to continue solar heater configuration.
Does the Solar Heater Have a Valve?
Select whether the solar heat-
ing system has a diverter valve to route pool/spa water through the solar
collectors. If so, the AQR S3 Omni will rotate this valve when the pool
temperature is below the heater setting and there is solar heat available.
If Yes is selected:
Where is the valve wired?
Selecting the box will bring you to a table
showing all detected low voltage relays. Select the relay that is wired
to the solar valve, then advance. The relay should now be shown in
the box. Advance to the next screen to continue solar heater configu-
Where is the Solar Temperature Sensor Located?
Selecting the box will
bring you to a table showing all detected sensors. Select the solar sensor
(usually SENS3), then advance. The sensor should now be shown in the
box. Advance to the next screen to continue solar heater configuration.
If more than one heater has been configured for this Body of Water:
Heater Priority Level?
Because more than one heater is configured
to heat this Body of Water, you can set the Priority for which heater
you’d like to use first (selection “1”). If the priority heater can’t meet
the demand, the next heater will start (selection “2”).
Heater Priority Duration?
Set the amount of time that you will allow
the priority heater (“1”) to heat before allowing the next heater to start.
If the priority heater meets the demand within this time frame, the
next heater will not be used.
Minimum Operation Speed?
Select the lowest pump speed that is al-
lowed while solar heating. Set a speed that will ensure that there will be
sufficient flow for the solar heating system to operate properly.
Would You Like To Prioritize The Use Of Solar Heating Over Any Other
Select the lowest pump speed that is allowed while solar heating.
Set a speed that will ensure that there will be sufficient flow for the solar
heating system to operate properly.