name, symbols, etc., immediate cable-free compatibility with digital backs, presentation of
digital information such as histograms and grey balance on the LCD, extremely accurate elec-
tronic leaf shutter, flash sync at all shutter speeds to 1/800s, eyeline viewfinder with 100% view,
dot matrix viewfinder LCD, lithium or rechargeable battery options, shutter speeds from 18
hours to 1/800s, user customization of functions. And that’s not all! Bracketing, interval timer,
rapid access user button, flash measure, independent LCD illumination on magazines, integral
diopter adjustment in viewfinder, zone system capability, time-lapse photography, customized
profiles and so on.
In addition H cameras use a format allowing for digital capture with sensors more than twice
the physical size of today’s 35mm sensors. The sensor is therefore capable of using more and
larger pixels, which secure a high-end image quality in terms of moiré free colour rendering
without gradation break-ups in even the finest highlight areas or noise in the shadows.
And, apart from the practical aspects, the H2 also exudes a feeling of superb design and ergo-
nomics that makes the camera a pleasure to own as well as use. For handling and convenience
of use it is second to none.
So Hasselblad, the most distinguished pioneer in medium-format photography, yet again
takes the vanguard position. We are confident that you are going to incorporate this camera
inseparably into your photographic life. We are also confident that you are going to produce
images you are proud of. Some of these will remain as a documentation of the history of our
world, perhaps even beyond. That’s how it is with Hasselblad.
The primary goal of all camera development is of course the seamless and unobtrusive produc-
tion of superb images, regardless of situation. The H2 has abilities and features that you may
not think you need, yet. Each individual has their own way of working. But the H2 has tremen-
dous scope for fine-tuning your technique possibly beyond your present ambitions .
The Quick Start Guide should have you up and running in minutes. The H2 will function equally
well as an automatic point-and-shoot or as a total-control, ultra-professional instrument.
The user manual is intended to be the standard reference manual. In it you will find full user
descriptions, LCD charts, specifications, etc. For the sake of simplicity, a film magazine and
standard lens are normally shown in most illustrations.
Take your time to learn the intricacies and potentials of the H2. Go at your own pace and ex-
plore the possibilities when you feel ready for the next step. Results will be good from the word
go, that’s guaranteed, but when you want to make improvements or work more efficiently per-
haps, the H2 can provide support.
The supreme Hasselblad potential is there, it’s up to you to exploit it!
Finally, please check occasionally on the Hasselblad website — www.hasselblad.com — for any updates
regarding user instructions, changes, news, or other information concerning the H system. If you have no
Internet access, please contact your Hasselblad dealer or distributor for the latest information.