33. From the inactive mode, press the ON.OFF button until you
see the H2 logo on the grip LCD. The LCD then in turn dis-
plays the ‘main’ screen. If the camera is already in ‘standby’
mode (the H2 logo will be visible on the grip LCD) click on
either the shutter release button or the ON.OFF button to
activate it again. (Note that a ‘click’ action is a quick press.
See later section for a description of different button pressing
If, however, the main screen does not appear, proceed as fol-
34. Click the ON.OFF button. The LCD then displays the Profile
35. Turn either the front or rear control wheel until ‘Standard’ is
36. Press the AF / Load button.
That’s it!
Your Hasselblad H2 is now operational in fully automatic mode. In aver-
age lighting conditions the camera will act as a point and shoot camera
producing extremely fine results without the need to touch any other but-
ton than the shutter release!
If you have attached a film magazine just raise the camera to your eye for
framing and gently press the shutter release button. The camera will auto-
matically focus the lens, take a light reading, make an exposure, advance
the film, and reset the camera ready for the next exposure.
If you have attached a digital back you can now go directly to the ap-
propriate user manual for further information about how to proceed for
digital capture.