5.3 Waveform Generator (cont’d)
5.3.3 Experiment Delivery Screen
Functions and Operation
The purpose of the delivery screen is to initiate pulses to deliver
vaccine to tissue. The procedure is as follows.
The researcher injects the vaccine forming a bleb under
the skin of the animal, and inserts the electrode
according to the approved protocol.
The researcher determines if the electrode is inserted
properly by touching the LOAD button or by depressing
the foot pedal. A number will appear in the Est. Load
box. LOAD button will change to a green color. Est.
Load in ohms is displayed. This number is the effective
resistance of the animal’s skin and will continue to be
updated every second.
Figure 5-6: Delivery Screen - Initialization
Figure 5-7: Delivery Screen - Load Estimation
If the LOAD Reading is within range (Less than 3500
ohms for skin) then the next step is to turn on the high
voltage power supply by touching the READY button or
depressing the foot pedal. The READY button will flash
green until fully charged and then will stay solid green.
The high voltage reading will appear in the System
message box. If the researcher wants to abort the process,
the electrode should be removed and the DONE button
pressed. In this case, an early termination message will
appear in the data log and the system reset.
System Operation