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Assembly instructions pivot arm awnings US701 - US702 - US715
D.8. Coupled awnings (US701 / US702):
If the width of the awning exceeds 7 meters, the awning is delivered in two separate parts. Part 1 is
equipped with the drive and part 2 is the part to be coupled. The coupling takes place on the fitting
Drill the attachment holes and fix the consoles to the wall as described earlier.
First take part 1, the part with the driving mecanism, and attach it to the wall. Then you provide this
part with all the coupling parts as there are: the connecting strip extension pole, the coupling pins of
the cover cap and the coupling pin of the fabric roller. Ensure that this part 1 is firmly attached and
cannot be moved. Then attach part 2 to the wall and slide it into part 1.
Beware! Do position the two awning parts in such a way, that the roller grooves are
perfectly in line.