HPX-P200-xx Power Outlet Module
HPX-1600 Retractable Connection Port
Step 3 - Install the 10 Amp Circuit Breaker (Included with HPX-PAK-XX Accessory Kit)
A HydraPort Power Accessory Kit (
) is required for the HPX-P200-XX Power Outlet Module to be functional. This power
accessory kit provides a 10 Amp circuit breaker for the HydraPort System to prevent power overload and complete the AC Power
Position the Circuit breaker module included in the HPX-PAK-XX Power Accessory Kit in the main chassis of HydraPort base
assembly such that it resides just below the mounting surface in which the HydraPort system is installed (FIG. 28).
FIG. 28
10A Circuit Breaker Module Positioned Just Below Mounting Surface Level
10A Circuit Breaker
(required, included with
HydraPort Power Accessory
kit (HPX-PAK-XX)