HPX-P200-xx Power Outlet Module
HPX-1600 Retractable Connection Port
Installing the HPX-P200-XX Power Outlet Module
WARNING: Disconnect the IEC C-14 Power Inlet Connector On the HydraPort Base Assembly Ensure that the AC Power cord is
disconnected from IEC C-14 power inlet connector on the HydraPort Base Assembly prior to disassembly of the HydraPort Base
assembly or installation of the HPX-P200-XX Power Outlet Module (see FIG. 25).
Step 1 - Connect the HPX-P200-xx to the HPX-1600 Power Inlet Assembly
Plug the 3-Position Connector from the Power Outlet Module into the Power Inlet Assembly located in the bottom cover of the HPX-
1600 Base Assembly (FIG. 26).
FIG. 25
HPX-1600 - Power Inlet Cord Removed
FIG. 26
HPX-1600 Bottom Cover - Connect Power Outlet Module to Power Inlet Assembly
AC Power Cord
Power Inlet Connector
on HPX-1600
Bottom Cover
(inside view)
AC Power connector
3-Position Connector
from Power Outlet Module
Power Inlet Assembly