HDMI setting. In those systems, run the ODROID-Utility, select the
option: HDMI Configuration. Select the desired HDMI resolution and
exit the utility.
The SSH daemon is enabled by default in the Ubuntu template,
and the username:password is odroid:odroid. The root password is
also odroid.
Finally, the language and timezone settings may be configured
with the following command, after installing the desired language in
the “Language Support” settings application:
$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
After the command completes, drag the selected language to
the top of the list in the “Language Support” settings. The timezone
may be selected by typing the following command:
$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
Configuring Android
Once the Android desktop has loaded, run the ODROID Utility
app, and select the desired CPU frequency, monitor resolution and
orientation. To set the timezone and other configurable options, use
the built-in Settings panel that comes with the Android installation.
Powering Down
Shutting down the ODROID-XU4 is very important in order to
prevent damage to the microSD card or eMMC module. In Android,
powering down is done by selecting the power button icon at the bot-
tom of the desktop. In Linux, powering down may be done by either
selecting the shutdown option from the Applications menu, or by typ-
ing the following into a Terminal window:
$ sudo shutdown -h now
Wait until the blue LED goes out, which indicates that all system activ-
ity has completed. It is now safe to unplug the ODROID-XU4 power
supply, remove the boot media, and detach the peripherals.
Chapter 2