Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2021-4-8 10:00
Crosswinds usually exist at tunnel exits or valleys
or when big vehicles overtake. Drive calmly and at
reduced speed at these times.
Obey traffic rules and speed restrictions.
Before attempting to start the engine, make sure:
The fuel cock is at position “
Insert the key into the key hole on the ignition switch
and turn it clockwise until the “
” position.
The transmission is in neutral. The neutral position
indicator on the dashboard will be lit.
Before starting the motorcycle, grasp the brake
lever firmly to avoid rushing forward in case of the
mistaken operation on startup.
When the engine is cold
1. Open the throttle slightly.
2. Turn the choke lever backwards fully.
3. Push the electric starter button or tread on the kick
start lever quickly to start the engine.
4. Retract the choke lever halfway after startup, keep the
engine idling until it is adequately heated.
5. Retract the choke lever to its original position (refer to
page 13).
The sufficient preheating of a cold engine after
start up can provide the necessary conditions for
the normal running of the engine. If the engine
is not sufficiently preheated, and if the motorcycle
travels repeatedly for only a few kilometers each
time, normal engine performance will be affected
and the service life of the engine oil will be
shortened. When the temperature is low, sufficient
preheating of the engine is even more important.
NOTE: The colder the weather, the longer preheating
time the engine needs. Riding after the engine is fully
preheated will cause the engine to suffer less wear.
When the engine is warm
1. Turn the throttle 1/8 to 1/4 turn.
2. Push the electric starter button
or tread on the kick start lever
quickly to start engine.
Throttle opening
Haojue UF115 99011H5A001H000 V02 ES+EN+FR 2021-4-8 10:00