Single Port KVM over IP
Users and Groups
There are three kinds of levels of user accounts:
Super -- Has all possible rights to configure the device
Administrator -- Has partial rights to change configuration apart from
critical settings
User -- Has permission to access basic function of open Remote Console
You can choose the desired level from the selection box role.
The IP-KVM comes with 1 pre-configured user account that has fixed
permissions. The account “super” has all possible rights to configure the
device and to use all functions IP-KVM offers.
Upon delivery, the account “super” has the password “pass”. Make sure to
change password immediately after you have installed and on initial access
of your IP-KVM.
Existing users
Select an existing user for modification. Once a user has been selected,
click the lookup button to see the user information.
New User name
The new user name for the selected account.
The password for the login name. It must be at least three characters
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