2 2
The current log number and the remaining
page numbers will appear for a few seconds
on the display to indicate the correct opera-
tional mode. The printer will print a complete
set of data and the "LOG" symbol will appear
on the secondary LCD.
If no key is pressed, the display goes blank
after about 5 minutes and comes back to life
only to print the next batch of data. During
printing, the display shows the time,
preselected interval and the “LOG” symbol.
To reactivate the display press the TEMP key.
Each printout provides the following informa-
a – Date (DD-MM-YY)
b – Printing interval in minutes
c – Time (HH-MM)
d – Temperature value(s)
e – A running log number
f – A running sample number (in that particular log)
It is always possible to switch from the logging with printing function
to the logging without printouts. Press ALT and PAPER at the same
time and the "LOG" symbol will start to blink to indicate that the data
are now stored into memory but no longer printed.
• It is recommended to use the external power supply during log-
ging with printing mode, especially when many printout are
going to be taken.
• Before proceeding with logging with printing, make sure there is
enough paper for your measurements. When the paper is run out
the meter will not advise the operator and the printouts could be
lost. If this happens, data will continue to be stored into memory,
and it is always possible to print them at later time (see page