Step 4
Secure the tail assembly to the fuselage using two larger
#4 washers and two 4-40 locknuts. Do not over-tighten
the nuts and crush the fuselage.
Step 5
Secure the tail wheel into position using the 5/64-inch
wheel collar and the 4-40 setscrew.
: Use threadlock on the setscrew to
prevent it from vibrating loose in flight.
Step 6
Attach an 18-inch (458mm) servo extension to the
rudder servo. Secure the extension using a commercially
available connector, heat shrink tubing or string so it will
not unplug inside the fuselage.
Step 7
Center the servo using the radio and install a long servo
arm onto the servo. Use the photo to determine which
arm to trim off, as it will hit the elevator if left in place.
Mount the rudder servo into the fuselage using the same
procedure as the aileron servo.
Section 2: Landing Gear and Tail Installation