Step 1.
After the wing joint has completely cured, remove the
masking tape.
Step 2.
Remove the aileron servo tray and the two aileron tray
supports from the parts bag.
One of the aileron support trays is slightly shorter
than the other. The shorter support will be situated
toward the trailing edge of the wing.
Step 3.
Place the aileron servo tray between the marks that were
made previously in Section 2, Step 9. Center the tray across the
seam between the wing halves.
Step 4.
Tape the tray in place with two pieces of masking tape,
ensuring that the alignment is not disturbed.
Step 5.
Using a felt tipped pen, trace around the outside upper
and lower parallel edges of the servo tray. These marks will
serve as the guides for cutting the servo tray support slots later
in this section. Additionally, place a mark along each of the
outside vertical edges of the tray. These marks will be the outer
edges of the servo tray support slots.
Section 3: Installing the Aileron Servo Tray
• Plywood aileron tray
• Plywood aileron tray supports
• Aileron servo
• Wing center tape
• Masking tape
• Hobby knife
• Felt tipped pen
• 6-minute epoxy
• Thick CA glue
• Epoxy brush
• Rubbing alcohol
• Paper towels
• Scissors
Parts Needed
Tools and Adhesives Needed