Step 5.
Allow the epoxy to cure completely prior to removing
the clamps.
Step 6.
Using a pencil and ruler, mark the “V” section of the
brace. This mark will serve as the center line when joining the
wing halves.
Step 7.
Trial fit the dihedral brace, or wing joiner, into one of
the wing panels. It should insert smoothly up to the center line
marked in Step 6. Now slide the other wing half onto the
dihedral brace until the wing panels meet. If the fit is overly tight,
it may be necessary to lightly sand the dihedral brace.
Step 8.
Check for the correct dihedral angle. Place the wing on
a large, flat surface with one wing panel resting on the surface.
The opposite wing tip should be exactly 1-3/4
from the surface
(see illustration below). If necessary, sand the dihedral brace
until this is achieved.
Step 9.
Place the wing halves on the flat surface so the white
side (bottoms) are facing downward. Using a felt tipped pen,
place a mark at the leading edge and trailing edge of the servo
bay on each wing half. These marks will be utilized as a guide
when cutting the holes for the aileron servo and the aileron servo
Step 10.
Mix up approximately three ounces of 30-minute
When joining the wing halves, it is extremely
important to use plenty of epoxy.
Step 11.
Using a mixing stick or scrap piece of wood, apply a
generous amount of epoxy into the wing joiner cavity of one
wing half. Be sure that the epoxy is applied to all sides of the
Section 2: Joining the Wing Halves