05/25/2014 (Firmware V4.5)
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About Setup Mode
In setup mode, all except the U, M, V and F commands share a common method of reviewing and changing the
current setting. In general:
Send the letter corresponding to the setting you want (M, S, etc). In “Button” command mode, hold the
button until you hear the letter of the item you want to review or change, then release it.
The keyer will respond with the current setting.
For most commands, simply use the dot or dash paddle to change the setting. Tapping either paddle will
step through the possible settings. The dash paddle “steps up”, the dot paddle “steps down”.
Tap the setup button to return to the “?” command prompt (“Paddle” command mode). In “Button”
command mode, a short tap of the button will exit setup mode, while holding it will advance to the next
There are some exceptions to this rule. The specifics for the U, M, V and F commands are detailed below.
PicoKeyer Setup Menu Commands
mode: Tune mode is used to send either a steady carrier or a series of dots for adjusting or testing
your station equipment. While in tune mode, each paddle acts as an on/off toggle switch. Tap the dash
paddle to turn a steady carrier on or off. Tap the dot paddle to start or stop a continuous stream of dots.
This is gives you a 50% duty cycle signal that is preferred by some operators as a way to tune up with
less stress on final PA, tuner and antenna components.
13 WPM)
: The keyer will always announce the
current speed
in WPM. If the
speed is not the
same as the
speed, the keyer will announce the current speed followed by a slash and the stored
speed. For example: Assume the stored speed is 13 WPM, any you have the optional speed pot
installed and set for 20 WPM. The keyer will announce “20/13”. If you have the pot set to its
minimum, you will be using the stored speed and the keyer will only announce the stored speed, since it
is the same as the current speed. It sounds more complicated than it is; play with it a little and you’ll
get the hang of it.
You can adjust the
stored speed
from the menu. Tapping the dot paddle will decrease the speed by one
WPM, or the dash paddle will increase it. Holding either paddle will continuously increase or decrease
the speed, with a dot or dash sent at the new speed for each step. When the paddle is released, the keyer
will again announce the current speed setting and the stored speed, if it is different from the current
speed. Speed may be set from 5 to 60 WPM.
: Four message memories are available, numbered 1 through 4. When you enter Message
mode, message 1 will be the default selection. You have a choice of actions available to you when in
memory mode, selected by sending a single character from your paddle:
Send the number 1, 2, 3 or 4 to select a message memory. The keyer will respond by sending
to confirm.
lay) to listen to the contents of the currently selected memory. The keyer will play
the message, followed by the Morse prosign
and the message number.
ecord) to record a new message. If a message already exists it will be erased and
replaced. The keyer will respond with
to let you know it is in record mode. Enter your
message, with exaggerated word space but normal spacing between characters. If you make a
mistake when recording the message, just send 8 dots and the keyer will backspace one word.
You will hear a single dot to confirm this (two dots means you are at the beginning of the
message). Tap the setup button once when you are finished recording. The keyer will send
and the message number to indicate the end of the message. You can then
lay the message