05/25/2014 (Firmware V4.5)
Page 16 of 19
Adding a Headphone Jack or External Speaker
You may want to add a headphone jack to your PicoKeyer to use for code practice, or with a transmitter
that lacks sidetone. Parts to do this are not included with your kit, but the newest circuit board version
has a pair of solder pads for just this purpose. Older boards don’t have the solder pads, but the PCB trace
between pin 2 of the keyer chip and the speaker can be used.
To add a headphone jack, you’ll want to buy a suitable jack with one internal switch. This will
automatically turn the on-board speaker off when you plug in headphones. Solder wires from the PCB to
the headphone jack as shown in the diagram below, using the two unmarked solder pads between the
battery holder and the speaker. Now, on the bottom of the board, cut the trace between the two pads.
You can use a small knife like an X-Acto knife, or a Dremel or similar tool.
If you have an older board that doesn’t have those pads, locate the PCB trace from the speaker to pin 2 of
the PIC chip and cut it. You can then tack solder the wires to the headphone jack to the two end points
(pin 2 of the chip and the non-grounded speaker pin).
Cut the PCB trace indicated by the arrow in the diagram on the left. The switched wire from the
headphone jack (the center connection shown in the diagram on the right) will be connected to the solder
pad just to the right of the arrow, the one closest to the speaker. The sidetone signal (top connection
shown in the diagram on the right) can be soldered to either JP1 pin 3, OR the solder pad shown just to
the left of the arrow.
The PIC processor chip used in the PicoKeyer-Plus can drive small ear buds or headphones with 32 Ohms
or greater impedance. For larger speakers or lower impedance headphones, you’ll need to use and
external amplifier. An inexpensive amplified PC speaker may work well, or you can use this as an
opportunity to build a low power audio amplifier. An LM386 amplifier chip will work well for this, as
well as many other types.