05/25/2014 (Firmware V4.5)
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Ultra Low Power Morse Memory Keyer
The PicoKeyer is a single chip, automatic iambic Morse code memory keyer. Its small size, low
power requirements and robust set of features make it perfect for portable or QRP operation or for
integrating into transmitters or transceivers.
Features of the PicoKeyer-Plus:
Dual MOSFET keying circuit will key
transmitters up to 60 V, positive or
Simple one-button "menu" interface
Four 60-character message memories can
be chained together for longer messages
Works with any dual lever iambic paddle,
single lever keyer paddle or straight key
Dot and dash memories, automatic timing
and element spacing
Setup and message entry using your
Auto straight key detect, all message
memories available with straight key
“Bug” mode allows automatic dots with
manually formed dashes
Speed adjustable from 5 to 60 WPM via
menu OR speed control potentiometer
Speed control can be set to your preferred
speed range
Dual-Set Speed allows quick QRS/QRQ
and return to favorite speed
Adjustable weight
Variable pitch audio sidetone
Curtis “A” or “B”, “bug” and Ultimatic
keying modes
Variable letter spacing
Tune mode with on/off carrier or automatic
string if dits for easy tuneup
Beacon mode with adjustable 0 – 99 second
repeat delay and optional power-on auto start
MCW mode for sending audio Morse over
voice radios
Memory “pause” command with automatic
resume allows manual insertion of RST etc.
into message
Auto-incrementing QSO / serial number can
be embedded in memory messages, with or
without leading zeros
Paddle switching - select left or right handed
Variable transmitter QSK delay
Memory and parameter settings retained with
power off
Low voltage - from as low as 2.5 to 5.5V
Low current - typically under 1 mA when
keying, with automatic extreme low power
sleep mode.
All controls and connectors on board