Subject to change without notice
20. CH I: 1 mV/div Y-Amplifi er Bandwidth
– Connect a 8 mV
/ 50 kHz sine wave signal from a Constant
Amplitude Generator via a 50Ω through-termination to the
input of CH I.
– Adjust the generator amplitude for 8 div. display height on
the screen.
– Increase the generator frequency until the signal is display-
ed with 5.6 div. height (-3dB) and check that the generator
frequency is higher than 10 MHz.
21. CH II: 1 mV/div Y-Amplifi er Bandwidth
– Press CH I/II pushbutton (IN position).
– Connect a 8 mV
/ 50 kHz sine wave signal from a Constant
Amplitude Generator via a 50Ω through-termination to the
input of CH II.
– Adjust the generator amplitude for 8 div. display height on
the screen.
– Increase the generator frequency until the signal is display-
ed with 5.6 div. height (-3dB) and check that the generator
frequency is higher than 10 MHz.
22. X-Magnifi cation x1
– Check for 10.2div. trace length in the following way:
– Connect a square wave signal of approx. 25 mV
and approx.
1 kHz to input CH I.
– Check that DC input coupling is selected.
– Check that attenuator is set to 5 mV/div.
– Check that time base is set to 1 ms/div.
– Check that the trace is at least 10 division long.
– Set trace start to the leftmost vertical graticule line.
– Set the signal generator frequency in such a way that a
signal period is exactly 1 division on the X axis.
– Turn X-POS. knob to the left to move the signal exactly
1 division to the left.
– Now that part of the trace – previously outside the
graticule – can be measured.
23. Time Base
This check assumes that the trace length (item 22. X-Mag-
nifi cation x1) has been checked before.
Accuracy reading:
The accuracy reading should always be performed in the following
A: Set Y-POS. I knob on the front panel for reading of the pulse
peak or sine wave zero crossing at the horizontal center line
of the graticule.
B: Move trace with X-POS. knob (front panel) so that the fi rst
pulse peak or sine wave zero crossing coincides with the
fi rst or second vertical graticule line at the left side of the
C: Check that 1 pulse or signal period per division is displayed
and the rightmost pulse peak or zero crossing coincides
with the vertical graticule line as on the left side = 0%
D: The maximum acceptable deviation at the 10th or 11th pulse
or zero crossing is ±3 mm (3%).
Test procedure:
– Check that X MAG x10 pushbutton is released (OUT positi-
– Set TIME/DIV. knob to 0.1 μs.
– Connect a 0.1 μs time mark signal or a 10 MHz sine wave
signal (accuracy 0.1 ppm or better) to the input of CH I.
– Turn CH I VOLTS/DIV knob for a signal height of approxi-
mately 5 divisions.
– Set LEVEL knob on the front panel for stable triggering.
– Check the accuracy at this setting.
– Turn TIME/DIV knob one step counter clockwise (0.2 μs)
and similarly change the time mark generator signal
(0.2 μs spike or 5 MHz sine wave).
– Repeat this procedure until the 0.2 s time base setting has
been checked.
23.1 VAR. 2.5:1
– Set TIME/DIV. knob to 0.2 ms.
– Connect a 0.2 ms time mark signal or a 5 kHz sine wave
signal (accuracy 0.1
m or better) to the input of CH I.
– Check that 1 pulse or signal period per division is displayed.
– Turn time base VAR. 2.5:1 knob fully counter clockwise.
– Check that at least 2.5 pulses or signal periods are dis-
– Turn time base VAR. 2.5:1 knob fully clockwise to its cali-
brated detent.
24. X-Magnifi cation x10
This check assumes that the trace length (item 22. X-Mag-
nifi cation x1) and the time base (item 23) has been checked
Accuracy reading:
The accuracy reading should always be performed in the following
A: Set Y-POS. I knob on the front panel for reading of the pulse
peak or sine wave zero crossing at the horizontal center line
of the graticule.
B: Move trace with X-POS. knob (front panel) so that the fi rst
pulse peak or sine wave zero crossing coincides with the
fi rst or second vertical graticule line at the left side of the
C: Check that 1 pulse or signal period per division is displayed
and the rightmost pulse peak or zero crossing coincides
with the vertical graticule line as on the left side = 0% er-
D: The maximum acceptable deviation at the 10th or 11th pulse
or zero crossing is ±5 mm (5%).
Test procedure:
– Press X MAG x10 pushbutton (IN position).
– Set TIME/DIV. knob to 0.1 μs.
– Connect a 0.01 μs time mark signal or a 100 MHz sine wave
signal (accuracy 0.1 ppm or better) to the input of CH I.
– Turn CH I VOLTS/DIV knob for a suitable signal height for
a precise reading; in case the 100 MHz signal the possible
signal height is limited by the measuring amplifi er frequen-
cy response.
– Set LEVEL knob on the front panel for stable triggering.
– Check the accuracy at this setting.
– Turn TIME/DIV knob one step counter clockwise (0.2 μs) and
similarly change the time mark generator (0.2 μs spike or
5 MHz sine wave).
– Repeat this procedure until the 0.2 s time base setting has
been checked with a 0.02 s time mark signal or a 50 Hz sine
wave signal.
P e r f o r m a n c e C h e c k H M 3 0 3 - 6