Instruction Manual PSx3xxPN
4) The yellow “motor” LED indicates the motor power supply:
- off
Motor power supply too low or too high
- on
Motor power supply well
Motor power supply well, PSx in delivery state
After the supply voltage has been hooked up, a positioning or manual run can begin
a) Positioning run
- To be able to control the drive, first a cyclic process data connection has to be
- Transfer target value:
control word = 0x14 and desired target value
Drive begins run
- Abort run by resetting the release bit:
control word = 0x00
- If a new target value is transferred during a positioning run, the device will
immediately proceed to the new target. There will be no interruption if the direction
of rotation does not need to be altered.
- If a manual run is transmitted during a positioning run, the positioning run will be
aborted (speed will be reduced to that of a manual run) and the device proceeds
with the manual run.
The following sequence of steps is also possible:
Starting situation: release has not been set
- Transfer target value:
ontrol word = 0x04 and desired target value
- Set release:
control word = 0x10
Drive begins run
Where applicable, positioning runs involve
a “loop run” which causes the
target position to be reached from a predefined direction. The direction and
the length of the loop run can be set to the desired value with Par. 45
(“length of loop”) before the run. With Par. 45 the loop run might also be
b) Manual run
- Start manual run (control word = 0x11 resp. 0x12): Drive begins run
- End manual run by clearing the manual run command (transmit control word = 0x10)
or by deasserting release (transmit control word = 0x00).
- Transferring a target value during a manual run will end the manual run and the
device will immediately move on to the transmitted position (control word = 0x14 and
desired target value).
Underwater usage of the PSW is not allowed.