non-priority locations. If you receive Group SMS,
t h e m e s s a g e s w i l l b e s t o r e d i n y o u r M o b i l e
phone only but not in SIM card regardless of
y o u h a v e c h o s e n S I M c a r d a s y o u r p r i o r i t y
You can edit a user-defined short message.
You can delete any unwanted user-defined short
messages by simply clearing their contents.
This menu provides two functions:
When you have made your selection and
confirm the delete operation, the phone will
delete all selected mails in the Inbox/Outbox.
User define SMS Delete messages
You can check how many short message you
have received, how many short messages your
SIM card can hold and the percentage of use.
Yo u c a n f o r w a r d i n c o m i n g c a l l s ( t h e
number where callers leave voice messages)
to your voice mailbox, using the "Call forward"
When you receive a voicemail message, your
phone gives you a reminder. Call the voicemail
number to listen to your voicemail messages.
In idle mode, press and hold the "1" key to dial
your voicemail number.If the voicemail hasn't
been stored, the display will prompt you to enter
your voicemail number. Capacity Voice mail
N o t e :
Call voice mail