You may press the Down key to access
the phonebook list directly in idle mode.
You may input the first letter of the name to move
to the entries starting with this letter and then
scroll through the list with the Up/Down key.
For example, you may input the letter/number
A, B or C with the key "2".
When press the key "2" in the phonebook,
1.To search an entry starting with A, press the
key "2" once and the names leaded by A will be
displayed. If no entry satisfies, select B, C or 2
to search the desired entry.
2.If no entry starting with any of the GSM letters
under the key "2" is found in the list, the cursor
will remains still.
f i r s t n a m e l e a d e d b y i t . O t h e r w i s e , t h e f i r s t
name in the list is displayed.
2.6.2 Add new
If you are using SIM Card memory, you may
first open the name editor, enter a name and
press [OK] to confirm. A number editor will be
opened and you will be prompted to enter a
number. Press [OK] to complete the input of a
phonebook entry.
If you are using phone memory, you may first
open the name editor, enter a name and press
[OK] to access a name card field option list
where you can choose to enter different types
of information (for example numbers, E-mail
etc.). Press [OK] to enter the information and
press again to complete the input of the
p h o n e b o o k e n t r y. T h e r e a f t e r, y o u c a n a d d
different fields to this newly created name card,
set default fields and assign a group to this new
SIM card