allows you to play the MMS currently selected.
The "Options" soft key in the MMS play screen
allows you to:
Send: You can resend the MMS. Once
successfully sent, the MMS in the "Unsent
MMS"mailbox will be automatically deleted.
Delete: To delete the MMS.
Information: Allows you to view details of
the current MMS.
Draft box is used to store two kinds of MMS:
draft and template MMS, which are identified
by different icons. MMS that are saved when
exiting the MMS editor and those saved by
s e l e c t i n g t h e " S a v e " o p t i o n f r o m t h e " M M S
Options" menu become draft MMS in the Drafts
folder. MMS that are saved by selecting "Save Draft box
as template" option from the "MMS Options"
menu become template MMS in the Drafts folder.
An MMS saved as a draft will be automatically
deleted once successfully sent.
The "Options" menu in the Drafts list allows you
Preview: This option allows you to view the
effect of playing the current MMS.
Edit: This option allows you to edit the
current MMS. Once editing is completed,
you will have access to the following options:
Delete: This option allows you to delete the
current MMS.