Windows 2000 Operating System as an example:
Connect one end of the serial data cable (refer
to accessories) to port COM1 (or COM2) port
of the PC and the other end into the bottom of
the phone.
Select the 'add new modem' option from the
Control Panel and select a standard modem
type with a standard 28800 bps.
I n t h e a d v a n c e d s e t t i n g s , a d d a n e x t r a
initialization command as at+cgdcont=1, "IP",
"cmnet"; enter "Change default first " option
and change the "flow control" to "non" in the
"first data connection" option of routine setup.
In the Modem configuration, the maximum
r a t e i s 11 5 2 0 0 . C a n c e l t h e " r u n h a r d w a r e
flow control" in "hardware function".
Select com1 (or com2) to be used by the serial
Set the port (where the modem is connected
3 .
to) speed at 115200.
Set the network dial-up number and simply
dial the number.
To use GPRS network: If you have subscribed
to GPRS service, you should set the network
dial-up number as: *98* 1 #(which does not
require a user ID and password).
To use non-GPRS network: A China Mobile
subscriber should set the network dial-up number
as 17201 (the user ID is 172 and password is
You can associate a picture not bigger than
128*128 with a name card in your phonebook.
When you receive a call from a number in your
record associated with a picture, the picture will
be displayed on the screen as a background
2.9 Big picture