Hague Filter Owner's Manual
16. E3, Err – 1003, Err – 103 =
Control valve motor ran
too long and was unable
to find the next cycle
A . Motor failure during a regeneration
A . Check motor connections then Press NEXT and
REGEN buttons for 3 seconds to resynchronize
software with piston position or disconnect power
supply from PC board for 5 seconds
and then reconnect .
B . Foreign matter built up on piston and stack
assemblies creating friction and drag enough
to time out motor
B . Replace piston and stack assemblies . Press NEXT
and REGEN buttons for 3 seconds to resynchronize
software with piston position
or disconnect power supply from PC board
for 5 seconds and then reconnect .
C . Drive bracket not snapped in properly and out
enough that reduction gears and drive gear do not
C . Snap drive bracket in properly then Press
NEXT and REGEN buttons for 3 seconds to
resynchronize software with piston position
or disconnect power supply from PC board
for 5 seconds and then reconnect .
17. E4, Err – 1004, Err – 104
= Control valve motor
ran too long
and timed out trying
to reach home position
A . Drive bracket not snapped in properly and out enough
that reduction gears and drive gear do
not interface
A . Snap drive bracket in properly then Press
NEXT and REGEN buttons for 3 seconds to
resynchronize software with piston position
or disconnect power supply from PC board
for 5 seconds and then reconnect .
18. Err – 1006, Err – 106,
Err – 116 = MAV/ SEPS/
motor ran too long
and unable to find the
proper park position
Motorized Alternating
Valve = MAV
Separate Source = SEPS
No Hard Water Bypass =
Auxiliary MAV = AUX MAV
A . Control valve programmed for ALT A or B,
nHbP, SEPS, or AUX MAV with out having
a MAV or NHBP valve attached to operate
that function
A . Press NEXT and REGEN buttons for 3 seconds
to resynchronize software with piston position
or disconnect power supply from PC board for
5 seconds and then reconnect . Then reprogram valve
to proper setting
B. MAV/NHBP motor wire not connected to
PC board
B . Connect MAV/NHBP motor to PC board two pin
connection labeled DRIVE . Press NEXT and REGEN
buttons for 3 seconds to resynchronize software
with piston position or disconnect power supply
from PC board for 5 seconds
and then reconnect .
C . MAV/NHBP motor not fully engaged with reduction
C . Properly insert motor into casing, do not force into
casing Press NEXT and REGEN buttons for
3 seconds to resynchronize software with piston
position or disconnect power supply from PC board
for 5 seconds and then reconnect .
D . Foreign matter built up on piston and stack
assemblies creating friction and drag enough
to time out motor
D . Replace piston and stack assemblies . Press NEXT
and REGEN buttons for 3 seconds to resynchronize
software with piston position
or disconnect power supply from PC board
for 5 seconds and then reconnect .
19. Err – 1007, Err – 107,
Err – 117 = MAV/ SEPS/
motor ran too short
(stalled) while looking
for proper park position
Motorized Alternating
Valve = MAV
Separate Source = SEPS
No Hard Water Bypass =
Auxiliary MAV = AUX MAV
A . Foreign material is lodged in
MAV/NHBP valve
A . Open up MAV/NHBP valve and check piston and
seal/ stack assembly for foreign material . Press NEXT
and REGEN buttons for 3 seconds
to resynchronize software with piston position
or disconnect power supply from PC board for
5 seconds and then reconnect .
B . Mechanical binding
B . Check piston and seal/stack assembly, check
reduction gears, drive gear interface, and check
MAV/NHBP black drive pinion on
motor for being jammed into motor body .
Press NEXT and REGEN buttons for 3 seconds to
resynchronize software with piston position or
disconnect power supply from PC board for 5
seconds and then reconnect .
Troubleshooti ng