The Customer is responsible for the correct selection and application of the product in view of its industrial and/or commercial needs unless the use has been recommended by technical
qualifi ed personnel of Rossi, who was duly informed about Customer’s application purposes. In this case, all the necessary data required for the selection shall be communicated exactly and in
writing by the Customer, stated in the order, and confi rmed by Rossi. The Customer is always responsible for the safety of product applications. Every care has been taken in the drawing up of
the catalog to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication, however, Rossi can accept no responsibility for any errors, omissions, or outdated data. Due to the constant
evolution of the state of the art, Rossi reserves the right to make any modifi cation whenever to this publication's contents. The responsibility for the product selection is of the Customer,
excluding diff erent agreements duly legalized in writing and undersigned by the Parties.
Rossi S.p.A.
Via Emilia Ovest 915/A
41123 Modena - Italy
Phone +39 059 33 02 88
© Rossi S.p.A. Rossi reserves the right to make any modifi cation whenever to this publication's contents. The information contained in this document only contains general descriptions and/or
performance features which may not always specifi cally refl ect those described.
UT.D 208-2021.12-EN