© Haag-Streit AG, CH-3098 Koeniz, Switzerland
Check position 1.95
When the measuring drum setting is 1.95, the feeler arm should
move from the free movement zone against the stop piece to-
wards the examiner.
Check position 2.05
When the measuring drum setting is 2.05, the feeler arm should
move from the free movement zone against the stop piece in
the direction of the patient.
Check at measuring drum setting 6
Turn the weight bar to scale calibration 6, the longer part shows
in the direction of the examiner.
Check position 5.9
The check point is 5.9. The calibration marking 6 on the measu-
ring drum is to be turned 1/2 an interval downwards. The feeler
arm should move towards the examiner.
Check position 6.1
The check point is 6.1. The calibration marking 6 on the measu-
ring drum is to be turned 1/2 interval upwards. The feeler arm
should move in the direction of the patient.