Backing up and restoring system software image files and configuration files
After setting up the environment, do the following on the terminal:
Use the
command to check what files are in the file system:
Directory of flash:/
0 -rw- 1039 Jan 04 2011 17:21:52 startup.cfg
1 -rw- 35454328 Jan 18 2011 09:02:23 wx3000.bin
2 -rw- 4204 Jan 17 2011 15:43:25 system.xml
3 -rw- 2334 Jan 17 2011 15:43:26 test.cfg
1015424 KB total (979500 KB free)
For example, to copy the
file on the switch and save it as
on the TFTP server, use
the following command:
<H3C>tftp put startup.cfg config.bak
File will be transferred in binary mode
Sending file to remote TFTP server. Please wait... \
TFTP: 1039 bytes sent in 0 second(s).
File uploaded successfully.
To download
from the server to the switch, use the following command:
<H3C>tftp get config.cfg statup.cfg
The file statup.cfg exists. Overwrite it?[Y/N]:y
Verifying server file...
Deleting the old file, please wait...
File will be transferred in binary mode
Downloading file from remote tftp server, please wait...\
TFTP: 1039 bytes received in 0 second(s)
File downloaded successfully.
If a file with the same name exists on the switch, the switch will prompt you whether to overwrite the
existing file. You can choose
to overwrite it or
to abort.
When you back up a file to the server, the existing file with the same name on the server,
if any, will be replaced without a prompt.
The operations mentioned above are to be performed in user view.
You can modify the backup configuration file with a text editor and then download the
modified file to upgrade the configuration. The upgrade takes effect upon system
reboot. Likewise, you can download the system software image file to the switch and
overwrite the existing main system software image file to upgrade the system software
image file.