Operation Manual – Multicast
H3C S5500-EI Series Ethernet Switches
Chapter 7 PIM Configuration
To do...
Use the command...
Enable PIM-DM
pim dm
Disabled by default
All the interfaces of the same router must work in the same PIM mode.
PIM-DM cannot be used for multicast groups in the SSM group grange.
7.2.4 Enabling State Refresh
An interface without the state refresh capability cannot forward state refresh messages.
Follow these steps to enable the state refresh capability:
To do...
Use the command...
Enter system view
Enter interface view
interface interface-type
Enable state refresh
Enabled by default
7.2.5 Configuring State Refresh Parameters
To avoid the resource-consuming reflooding of unwanted traffic caused by timeout of
pruned interfaces, the router directly connected with the multicast source periodically
sends an (S, G) state refresh message, which is forwarded hop by hop along the initial
multicast flooding path of the PIM-DM domain, to refresh the prune timer state of all the
routers on the path.
A router may receive multiple state refresh messages within a short time, of which
some may be duplicated messages. To keep a router from receiving such duplicated
messages, you can configure the time the router must wait before receiving the next
state refresh message. If a new state refresh message is received within the waiting
time, the router will discard it; if this timer times out, the router will accept a new state
refresh message, refresh its own PIM state, and reset the waiting timer.
The TTL value of a state refresh message decrements by 1 whenever it passes a router
before it is forwarded to the downstream node until the TTL value comes down to 0. In
a small network, a state refresh message may cycle in the network. To effectively