Select Settings to apply correct measurement values. See
Measurement Parameters Menu
for full details
Select New Project to start the project and move onto the
following screen:
Select Project Name to tag a name to the project. Use the
Navigator to enter the name, one character at a time
To activate the GPS positioning, set the GPS positioning to On
Note: If the GPS option is ON, no baseline is needed, and the X-
Y co-ordinate options are deactivated
The location of the baseline is given by setting the X and Y-
coordinates of the start and stop positions of the line. If no
coordinates are available, the baseline is defined as 0 m for X
and Y start position and then the length of the line for X or Y
stop position.
Tip: The coordinates for the baseline can be edited later in the
ObjectMapper program.
When the baseline is defined or GPS Positioning is ON, press
Start the project to collect the ObjectMapper files.
Tip: In this screen, before pressing Start the project, the GX
System measuring wheel can also be used as a measuring tape,
showing the travelled distance at the bottom of the screen. To
set the measuring tape function to zero, select the Current
Distance option and press the Navigator once.